Ook carnavalsclub d'n Driehook heeft menig jaartje een beroep op hem gedaan, evenals veel andere verenigingen. Of het nou ging om een tentfeest van de harmonie of helpen bij de Heiligdomsvaart, Jos was steeds van de partij. ...
On the 20th the force marched through Ermelo to bDriehook/b. A number of Boers followed up the rear-guard, and there was a good deal of firing, but no casualties. The march was resumed on the following day and Kranspoort was reached. b.../b
On the 20th the force marched through Ermelo to bDriehook/b. A number of Boers followed up the rear-guard, and there was a good deal of firing, but no casualties. The march was resumed on the following day and Kranspoort was reached. b.../b